Geraldine Mana - Bio

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I'm sitting in the Producer's meeting at Anglia TV HQ in Norwich, UK circa 2000...

I'm (usually) rocking around London town in my Prada shoes, hanging out with celebrities, guest lists and film premieres galore.

My life LOOKS like a dream come true.

In reality, it's a living nightmare...

I'm working at least 70 hours a week, partying like a nutter.

SO many ailments, mainly caused by insomnia.

I'd have holistic treatments every week, only to knock myself out of whack almost immediately.

I was hoping I'd get the answer and healing I needed from for a question I didn't even know I had :I

Back to the meeting...

I was producing Trisha; a "Jerry Springer"- type show, where guests come on and broadcast their woes (in the name of entertainment). I never felt good about it.

I'd make sure that my guests left the building in a better state than when they arrived, so I'd encourage them to see the show's counsellor.

That day, the words that changed my life were uttered:

"The counselling budget has been cut."

I handed in my notice immediately - no plan, no savings, just a hopeful heart.

I'd worked my way up the ladder of success, only to find that it was leaning against the wrong building (thanks Stephen Covey for that inspiration).

I could no longer pretend I was making a difference in the world (and in hindsight, how naive I was, thinking that one counselling session would help my guests).

So, after some procrastination, I embarked on a 3 year Shiatsu diploma.

Shiatsu was my favourite therapy to receive, and I realised I loved to practice it too. I also loved the empirical evidence and the immediate changes - just by holding a pressure point!

✨ Sleep improves

✨ Pain disappears

✨ And peace of mind returns

That was in 2000, since then I've healed myself, more recently realising that insomnia, and many other ailments stemmed from a dysregulated nervous system.

As I followed the breadcrumbs, I realised that that was caused by an unconscious childhood trauma.

I created three practices in London, including prestigious Harley Street and I attracted clients who had similar issues, as I specialised in insomnia.

Over the years I've studied more healing and coaching modalities than there are days in the month.

I recently opened up even more as the trauma cried out to be brought to the light, but rather than focus on it, and go down the therapy path again, I chose to create.

A dream guided me to follow my heart and embark on the most wonderful Ecstatic Dance DJ training.

I wanted to try DJing since my 20s when I went to raves, and marvelled at friends' skill during our chill out sessions. My love for Ecstatic Dance was born at Kalani, Big Island in 2011 (the birthplace of ED). Dance and music have saved my life more times that I care to remember.

I also completed a Somatic Therapy & Coaching Diploma with a distinction (covering many things including Breathwork and Dance Movement Therapy).

As well as my traditional coaching and healing practice, I now run Women's Monthly Full Moon Ecstatic Dances near Faro, Portugal.

If you're not familiar with Ecstatic Dance - it's AMAAAAZING...

It's a journey, taken barefoot, without drugs, alcohol, chatting, mobiles etc.

Just pure meditative (and wild) dancing - we go on an explorative adventure, depending on your intention, you release, or welcome in whatever is true. And/or you simply have a wild, wonderful dance.

"Music is medicine for the soul"



It blows my mind, that still, 30 years after finding my first love and passion (60s music, RnB, Jazz and driving around London on my dream come true 60s scooter - part of the 80s mod revival), that I'm STILL finding ‘the best thing ever' experiences. Each time I think ‘surely this is it now’ lol, but they continue.

If you are seeking deep sleep, vibrant health, and a life of fun and  fulfillment, I might just be the trusted guide to help you on your journey of transformation.

Much love and SO great to share my why!


Geraldine x


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